A head on collision is one of the worst impacts you could suffer. The speed the car is traveling is also the speed your body is traveling, and that can allow for a severe impact. After the collision, deceleration drops rapidly from the top speed to the car, to being suddenly and fully stopped. This instantaneous deceleration causes an enormous energy transfer that is felt by your body as well as the car. This transfer of energy is what can result in injuries. In simple terms, your brain, spine, muscles, organs, and ligaments keep moving forward after impact producing a severe forwards and backwards whiplash effect.

Seatbelts help, of course, and that is why there is a law that seatbelts should always be worn. A seat belt can prevent your head from crashing into the front windshield or the steering wheel. While a seatbelt can save your life, injuries can still be suffered. Common injuries with seatbelt use include a collapsed lung, broken ribs, broken collar bone, and internal injuries. Still, it’s better by far than not wearing a seatbelt, which could result in death.

Over the past 30+ years, Dr. Kenneth Ermann has successfully provided chiropractic care, pain relief, and restored range of motion for countless whiplash victims throughout the state. Make an appointment at NJ Health & Injury Solution in Totowa New Jersey, Hudson Spine Institute in North Bergen New Jersey, or Ermann Chiropractic & Wellness Center in Teaneck and visit with Dr. Kenneth Ermann today.